Saturday, January 4, 2014

Tired of being a wannabe gamer...

Tabletop, pen & paper roleplaying games have been part of my life since I was, like, 12, and I'm still pretty into them, even if my gaming in the past several years has been a bit sparse.  I like to say I'm between gaming groups, but that brings with it the illusion that some day I'll find a new gang to join.  I've been spoiled by a couple rock-solid groups in my life, both during my high school days in Ohio as well as the gang I adventured with up in Seattle.  The closest thing I've come to a gaming group here in San Diego recently moved away before we had a chance to do more than dabble.  (Ironically, they moved to Seattle...=wanh wanh=).

I've attempted some Organized Play events, like Living Forgotten Realms for D&D4e or Pathfinder Society for Pathfinder, but those experiences top out at mediocre and occasionally dipped into uncomfortable. 

Despite not having a regular gaming group, though, I've continued to pursue the hobby and keep up on current releases as much as my budget allows.  I've found that, without the baggage of actually having to play, you can get a lot done in imagining what it'd be like to play and prepping for campaigns that might happen someday.

So if I set the Maybe Machine for a look at my roleplaying ambitions, I see a lot of campaign notes and adventures piling up for that hypothetical someday when I'll have a reliable group again.

I've never really tried at homebrewing campaign settings or adventures and assume that I'd suck at it.   What I do have are a lot of pre-published games rules, settings and adventures which I've been assembling in my mind for future play.  Frankly, I have more potential gaming campaigns in mind than I'd ever have time to run, so now it comes down to imagining which game I'd run if I got the chance.

When I pick this thread up again, I'll try pitching some of my favorite ones.

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