Thursday, January 23, 2014

Legion Found

Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes

As much of a joke as Superboy-Prime became, I was in 100% agreement with his disappointment in how the actual Superboy had turned into a mopey angst-teen.  I'd really enjoyed the solo series he'd had following Reign of the Supermen, but somewhere along the way he lost his fun.

But just as the Legion of Super-Heroes came from the future to teach Clark Kent how to be Superman, they're on hand again to get Superboy back on track.  Their interest comes not just from their legacy relationship to Superman, but also a level of responsibility to him after being involved in Superboy's reincarnation during Legion of 3 Worlds.  So following Superboy's involvement in Blackest Night, the Legion arrives to whisk him into the future for some inspiration training.

Along for the ride goes Superboy's best friend Kid Flash.  Not only was he also resurrected by the Legion, but he's a native of the 31st century and provides a welcome guide to his friend's new home.

A bajillion Legionnaires is a close estimate.

Now, I'm actually more familiar with the post-Zero Hour reboot Legion, but the return of the pre-Crisis Legion just prior to Final Crisis really has me intrigued.  A lot of work will need to be done to keep it from relying too much on nostalgia and accessible to new readers.  Part of the fun in this series will come from keeping a balance of continuing the stories of the classic characters with the introduction of totally new elements to be enjoyed by all.  The presence of the completely 30th Century-ignorant Superboy will provide a convenient reason for Legionnaires to explain elements of the setting for the benefit of new readers, and Kid Flash's perhaps slightly inaccurate "memories" of the 30th century should be amusing as well.

To mark Superboy's new life, he'll be getting a costume again.  I've never liked his t-shirt and jeans look.  Maybe some day I'll sketch up an idea or two, but the direction I'm leaning toward is along the lines of what he wore toward the end of Young Justice. I liked how it stepped away a bit from the totally 90s leather jacket and straps outfit he started with, but kept him in a jacket and with his signature shoulder blazon.  

I'd downplay the French-cut effect on his high-rise pants.

With a team as large as the Legion, it's easier to talk about who I'd take out of the team than it is to talk about who's still in.  Founding members Saturn Girl and Lightning Lad will retire from the team in wedded bliss (although Garth will likely have a hard time NOT involving himself in Legion business), mostly to make room for similarly-powered Tellus and Lightning Lass to stand out.  I'll also be side-lining Mon-El for some likely clever reason because I don't need a second, Kryptonian-powered refuge from the 21st century.

Highlighted membership includes Tellus (I love how his bestial appearances contrasts with his mental-based powers), the variably-powered Ultraboy, the exasperated genius of Brainiac 5, the "ascended fanboy" Polar Boy, the recently up-powered Duplicate Damsel, the visually striking Sensor Girl, the equally-striking but for different reasons Dawnstar, and the even-more visually striking Wildfire.  Chameleon Girl really caught my eye in her recent appearances, so she'll likely replace Chameleon Boy if he's still around, and she and Invisible Kid will need a Phantom Girl and Shrinking Violet to round out the Legion Espionage Squad.  My guilty treat will be the re-inclusion of Comet Queen.  I didn't see her in the recent revival, but she's been a favorite just from the two or three times I saw her as a kid.

Pictured: 1/8 of the Legion of Super-Heroes

One of the things this Legion WON'T do is try to tie into 21st century DCU elements.  No futuristic Green Lanterns, for instance, or visits to the future Thanagar.  The 31st century will contain its own concepts and mythology.

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