Friday, May 30, 2014

The Jade Giant

Incredible Hulk

The Hulk has never been a favorite character of mine, but I do understand the enjoyment of seeing him go all  rage-monster and smash everything in sight.

I probably wouldn't even put much thought into a Make My Marvel relaunch of the character if an idea hadn't popped into my head unrequested.  According to my limited Hulk readings, the last we saw of the Hulk around the time of Civil War was the Planet Hulk and World War Hulk storylines.  Here, the gamma-irradiated goliath was launched into space by some of his so-called friends, and then came back for some sweet, sweet revenge.  At the end of World War Hulk, I guess he was captured by the Army and wasn't seen for a while until the launch of his follow-on series?

After 50 years of being hunted by the Army, I thought, why not turn things on their ear and have the Hulk work for the Army.  No threats, no coercion, just Hulk agreeing to atone for his crimes. Or, more specifically, Bruce Banner agreeing to atone.

This may actually be the premise behind Agents of SMASH, I've never seen it, 
but I'm very tempted to steal the title anyways.

I don't want there to be any doubts about the Hulk's sincerity, so the decision will be driven by a guilt-ridden Banner, appalled at seeing what he'd done during WWHulk.  As a former employee of the Army, he returns to his position as an adviser, with the primary task of identifying events which warrant the Hulk's intervention.  

An added bonus of kicking off my Hulk following WWH is that, at that point, the Red Hulk had not been introduced.  Not only do I get to dodge such an unnecessary character as "Rulk", but I get to keep Gen. Ross purely as a military foil to Banner.  Ol' Thunderbolt will chafe at not being able to use Hulk as his personal tool of mass destruction.

Even thought Banner's intellect decides when the Hulk is released, don't loose sight of the fact that Hulk himself is a raging monster.  Banner has to be careful about what calls for his gamma-intervention, but when he does cut loose, expect his alter-ego to go all HAM on the enemy.

Another job well done for Team Hulk

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