The payoff for sitting through my only slightly changed versions of 'Phantom Menace' and 'Attack of the Clones' is the heavy restructuring I get to do for my version of 'Revenge of the Sith.'
See, while I don't think it was wrong to have the third film be about Anakin's fall to the dark side, I was a little bummed that I didn't get to see any real Vader action. We're not talking full-on Darth Vader here, but Anakin enters Act III with the foundation of his future borgness, such as a familiar respirator and some armor plates. It's still recognizably Anakin, so we get the best of both worlds.
Setting the Stage: The Clone Wars
The deployment of a clone army has done exactly what Queen Amidala had predicted: turned Dooku's Separatist movement into a battlefront. The war has galvanized many systems, solidifying some as loyal Republican worlds while pushing just as many to secede and join the Separatists.
In the past few years, the Army of the Republic has grown thin. Not only are the clones dying or aging quicker than replacements can be grown, but their placement across the galaxy isn't the most strategic. It's almost as if they're being fortified in places based on some future design rather than the movement of the war.
Which leads us to...
The Plan
Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, in fact, HAS been deploying his troops in occupying actions more and more over the past few years of war. He can prolong the war as long as he needs to consolidate his power, but once he has his forces occupying strategic systems, he can end the war and finally bring order to the galaxy.
As an added bonus, he's become aware of Anakin's growing frustration and sees him as a viable candidate for swaying to the Dark Side. He's been without an apprentice since Darth Maul died about seven years back and figures he can pick up a new one before he wipes out the Jedi Order.
Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
Act I
The Clone War isn't going great. The easily-replaced droid armies have been whittling away at the not-so-quickly grown clones. The war has reached Coruscant itself and a desperate battle takes place in the skies above. This is, however, an opportunity for the Republic to end the war as Count Dooku himself is commanding the fleet. If they can board his command ship and take him captive, they can still claim victory.
Kenobi leads a squad of clone commandos on a boarding ship while Anakin leads a fighter squadron to clear the way. They manage to board the ship (with Anakin joining them) and then confront Dooku. The battle is hectic as the two Jedi confront Dooku and Jango Fett. They appear to get the better of the two Separatist leaders despite Anakin's growing frustration at his lack of control over the force. But just as they take Dooku into custody, Fett recovers and kills the count. He covers his escape by sabotaging the ship.
Anakin manages to safely land what remains of the Separatist command ship, but feels guilty that his poor control over his potent abilities kept them from ending the war.
Act II part 1
Anakin meets with Palpatine to brief him on the war, but the conversation soon turns to discussion of alternate ways of learning the force. They're interrupted by Queen Amidala who arrives at the Chancellor's office with a complaint OF SOMETHING OR OTHER. Palpatine quickly defuses her complaint as she discovers Anakin is also there. The chancellor very pointedly announces he needs to take care of some business for about an hour, and leaves the two secret lovers alone. Unfortunately, the romance is broken by the revelation that Padme is pregnant, and Anakin's direct question about who the father is. She says her husband Bail Organa is the father, but the implication is that no matter who the father really is, it will be Organa...
Kenobi, meanwhile, meets with Organa himself and the rest of the war secretaries to discuss how the Battle of Coruscant changes the war. Dooku's death has elevated him to martyr status and the firebrand Jango Fett is using that to his advantage to continue the war. The path is clear: end Fett and they end the war. Organa expresses his distaste of the Supreme Chancellor's growing power and fears what will happen if the war ends and he doesn't immediately relinquish his emergency powers.
Finally, Yoda is shown on the war front at the planet Kashyyyk where the native Wookiees are mounting a defense with clone troopers against an impending Separatist attack. Yoda's wise eyes, though, see the clone trooper build-up and the assignment of a governing moff as something a bit more devious.
Act II part 2
Poring over the remains of the Separatist command ship, Anakin confides in Kenobi his desire to have a family. He doesn't tell him his thoughts are inspired by Padme's pregnancy, but he does long for a son of his own that he can one day pass his lightsabre down to. The discussion ends with the discovery of a feisty R2 unit (or the Separatist equivalent) which reveals navigational information suggesting the Separatists are based out of the volcanic planet Mustafar. He notifies Kenobi, and the two set off to stop Fett and the other heads of the rebellion.
As they lead their troops to Mustafar, Yoda watches the battle of Kashyyyk. The Wookiees fight bravely but take heavy casualties, but eventually they and the clones are able to drive off the droid army.
At the same time, Kenobi's forces create an opening for him and Anakin to get to Fett, and they engage him in a final battle. Fett is still a dangerous combatant, at one point disarming Anakin and knocking him into a blazing smelter (or whatever goes on on Mustafar). Kenobi is initially enraged, but quickly finds the inner-peace he needs to overcome Fett. Kenobi mournfully gathers up Anakin's fallen lightsabre and leaves, not aware that the horribly burned Anakin still clings to life.
On Kashyyyk, the moff assigned to the planet reports that the planet's infrastructure was heavily damaged during the battles. He places himself in charge of reconstruction efforts and orders his battalions to settle in. Yoda recognizes this as an occupation, and slinks off back to Coruscant.
After all this, Palpatine himself arrives on Mustafar and recovers Anakin. He "repairs" him with additional cybernetics while playing on his sense of betrayal that his former allies would so easily leave him to die, and the way his family was stolen from him by Organa and the Jedi Order.
With the war over, the Jedi confront Palpatine in the Senate and demand he relinquish power. He turns it around on them, saying this is the next step of their plan to dismantle the Republic that began when one of their own began the Separatist movement.
As proof, a half-repaired Anakin shows up to denounce his former order. Too late the assembled Jedi discover Palpatine is the Sith lord and they do battle in the Senate. Palpatine's forces, including clone troopers and the new Lord Vader, kill a couple Jedi while Yoda attempts to spirit Padme to safety. Vader tries to go after her, but Kenobi intercepts and the two duel in the Senate.
Eventually Kenobi flees rather than try to kill his friend, and Palpatine claims a great victory. He declares this day the first day of the new, powerful, and unopposed Galactic Empire, and any worlds in disagreement learn that they've been quietly occupied by clone troopers of the Imperial Army.
And that concludes my Star War Prequel trilogy. It didn't quite reshape all of the elements I would've wanted to, but I think it stayed true to Lucas' vision and intent, and that was a main goal. Along the way, though, I was able to tone down Yoda and Palpatine from being these great warriors I didn't think they should be, while playing up Jango Fett into the badass everyone's been looking for in a Mandolorian since Empire Strikes Back.
Sunday, July 3, 2016
Saturday, June 4, 2016
Arguably more popular than Superman (if not necessarily more famous), a follow-on film relaunching Batman following my Superman movie me-boot was a sure thing.
Like Superman, there's no exact moment where Bruce Wayne becomes Batman. The origin story of the character takes 20-something years. So rather than trying to run the entire span of time and hopefully get Bruce in the bat costume by Act III, I figured I'd start the film with him already Batman and hook the story on another milestone in his crime fighting career: his first meeting with future-sidekick Dick Grayson.
The comics have gone back and forth on the concept, but one idea that could make this work is to have Bruce be acting as Batman for a couple years before the story starts, but only as an urban legend. Then by introducing Robin, we get a chance to visit Batman's origin and see it through the eyes of someone going through the same struggle.
My villain of choice is the Black Mask, a fairly recent addition to the Batman mythos, his efforts to drown Gotham in a crime wave combined with his childhood as a member of the wealthy elite makes him a good foe for Bruce Wayne and a viable contender for someone who'd try to assassinate a circus kid who was at the wrong place at the wrong time.
Until now, Batman has only faced off against normal thugs and hoodlums, but Black Mask takes a little inspiration from the cowled crusader and invokes the power of masks. Invoking the Iroquois tradition of the False Face Society, he uses masks to bind crooks to him and expand his power base until he's ready to assume full control.
So thematically, our main story and B story deal with the blossoming role of masked heroes in our newborn DC Universe and delve a bit into -why- Bruce Wayne does what he does in the form of the "vengeance vs justice" arguments. He starts off a little obsessed, but being able to see himself from the outside in the form of Dick Grayson, he realizes the difference between the two goals.
So let's begin -
Act I
A police raid on an arms deal goes south when a handful of heavily-armed and strangely masked enforcers turn the op into a siege. Fortunately, the mysterious vigilante Batman secretly arrives to take down the criminals with only fleeting glimpses and hazy news footage to say he was ever there.
The police are more interested in denying the Batman's existence, with the sole exception of police commissioner Jim Gordon who is actually secretly working -with- Batman to help solve some crimes his boys can't.
Able to summon Batman to his office by shining a marked lamp onto his window, Gordon and Batman confab on the new gang they fought. Gordon fears the masks show the underworld is taking inspiration from the legends of the batman and are upping their game in response. Batman, however, is more intrigued by how members of these masked enforcers were traditionally members of rival crime families who now seem to be working together, and which included one man whom Batman thought had been killed by police fire not too long ago. He promises to look more into it and departs into the night.
Meanwhile, we get our first introduction to Black Mask when a couple escapees from the police raid bring an injured companion to him and his Crime Doctor. Black Mask claims there's always room for one more.
Act II Pt 1
At stately Wayne Manor, Bruce Wayne has been up all night in the Batcave trying to figure out how the guns from last night's raid got into the city. When Alfred finally tracks him down with breakfast, Wayne is able to bounce ideas off of him until they latch onto the clue contained in the shipping crate rather than on the guns themselves. The packing material isn't straw, but rather hay. Just like what would be used as animal fodder in a zoo or circus. Like, say, Haley's Circus with it's large transportation capacity and constant travel around the country. They decide that Bruce Wayne will attend tonight's show.
At the circus, Bruce plays up the extravagant playboy persona until he's able to break away to do some behind-the-scenes investigating. A chance encounter with a young acrobat named Dick Grayson inspires the inquisitive youth to try to trail Wayne, but Bruce soon spots him (despite his gymnastic-based stealth skills) and corners him. Their interaction is cut short when they overhear some of Black Mask's men talking about the next shipment, and they both hide to listen in on the plan. Bruce recognizes one of them as former hitman and tells Dick to stay while he goes to get help (ie change into Batman). Unfortunately, Grayson is spotted, and a fighting chase ensues while the thugs try to silence Dick while Batman tries to stop them.
The chase leads to the big top where Dick joins his family on the high wire act. The hitmen and Batman stay to the fringes out of sight, but Batman remembers too late that the hitman he recognized is an ace shot and he gets off a bullet severing the trapeze wire and sending Dick's parents to their deaths.
Batman is stunned as he looks at the now-orphaned Dick Grayson (and his parents lying artistically in the same poses he remembers his own parents in after their murder), but he's shaken out of his reverie by the uproar in the audience. Most are horrified by the deaths they witnessed, but a few people spot Batman in the rafters. He flees into the shadows under their accusations.
A few days of police questioning and investigation lead to the circus being shut down and Dick with no place to stay. Bruce offers to take in the boy while they look for any next of kin. The truth is, though, that Bruce feels he could've stopped the gunshot if he hadn't been so concerned about staying out of sight of the crowd, and wonders if his secrecy is worth the Grayson's lives.
Meanwhile, Black Mask makes his next move during a meeting with all the local crime bosses. While they're questioning his value to them now that his smuggling path has been closed, he signals to the body guards the mob bosses brought with them (one of whom is the injured thug we saw being treated by him earlier). They pull on their masks, proclaim themselves part of Black Mask's False Face Society, and kill all their employers, leaving Black Mask boss of the Gotham underworld.
Act II Pt 2
Back at Wayne Manor, Dick is getting settled in when talk turns to the man who killed his parents. Bruce thinks it's a bad idea to talk about it, but Dick insists. He knows Bruce recognized him when he saw him and wants to know who he is. Bruce admits that he knew him as a mob hitman, but thought he'd been retired after taking a bullet last year. That's when he starts making the connection between him and the other thug he'd busted whom he'd thought was dead. Per his usual habit, he starts bouncing some names and ideas off of Alfred as he comes up with a theory. That's when Grayson looks at him and says "you're him aren't you?" He's guessed that Bruce is actually Batman.
Alfred tries to laugh it off, but to his surprise, Bruce just says "yes". He takes the boy to the Batcave and explains that he too is an orphan, his parents taken from him by the gun of some two-bit hood. Dick begs Bruce to let him in on getting the guy who killed his parents, but Bruce turns him down. It's not about revenge, it's about justice. It took him a while to realize that himself and until he realizes the difference, he'll never find peace.
Following his earlier hunch, he pulls up details of the injured hoods he'd mentioned earlier. Each had been grievously wounded in some police action or gang violence, but each seemed to be active again and working for an unknown boss. The commonality seems to be the medical treatment which kept them alive.
Commissioner Gordon takes custody of a prisoner for questioning in one of the police interrogation rooms and sends the accompanying detective out on a wild goose chase for missing paperwork, freeing the room up for Batman. The thug ain't talking, but that's okay because Batman doesn't need him to talk. He just tears open his shirt revealing some recently treated wounds. Batman explains to Gordon that the suturing on an injury is individual to each surgeon, and by that by measuring the spacing and method of tying off, you can identify the surgeon who did it.
From the Batmobile, Batman tells Alfred (and Dick) that he's found a match to the treatment from a disgraced doctor, Bradford Thorne, who lost his license for practices done in the employ of a crime family. He's since gone underground, but Batman has an idea of who can tell him where he is.
Jump to some thugs on the run from Batman's assaults, one of whom has been particularly injured. The desperate gang give Batman the slip (they think) and decide to take their hurt buddy to the Crime Doctor. It's not until they're inside his secret clinic that the injured thug reveals himself as a disguised Batman. He takes out all the thugs and bodyguards and confronts the doctor himself.
Thorne, however, is in the middle of treating another patient and pleads for his safety. Distracted by the conflict, Batman gets blindsided by the doctor who jabs him with a hypodermic needle and knocks him out.
He wakes up strapped to the operating table (with its former occupant lying dead in the corner from his injuries the Doctor never finished treating). Thorne explains that his Hypocratic Oath prevents him from killing anyone, but the right incisions to the right muscle groups would leave Batman a cripple. It's also a bad idea to anesthetize him again so soon after the previous injection, so he might have to endure some pain.
Fortunately for Batman, the doctor is interrupted by the arrival of Dick Grayson. Wearing a mix of his circus costume and spare bat-gear, he keeps the doctor occupied while Batman frees himself. Together, they're able to subdue him and the beaten doctor spills his guts, revealing the existence of the False Face Society, how its made up of crooks who owe their lives to Thorne and his benefactor, and how they're actually all now working for Roman Sionis, the Black Mask.
Back at the Batcave, Bruce is a furious at Alfred for sending Dick to rescue him. The plan had always been for Alfred to data-dump everything to Gordon if he went missing, and it wasn't fair to put this kid in danger to save him. Alfred talks him down, though, telling him there's no way he would let Bruce die on his watch, and if it wasn't Dick coming to the rescue it would have been Alfred and now they'd both be dead.
This mollifies Bruce a bit and they start making plans for where to find Sionis and how to take him down. They identify a penthouse that he owns through some shell groups and surveillance reveals a lot of activity there tonight. Bruce recognizes some big names in foreign cartels there and realizes the Black Mask is trying to expand even farther.
During preparations, Dick convinces Bruce to let him come along. He held up well under fire from the Crime Doctor and, more importantly, accepts the difference between revenge and justice. Batman agrees, and he and Alfred start kitting him out properly.
At Black Mask's penthouse, he's meeting with representatives from a number of representatives from crime cartels from other cities and countries. Now that he's the sole boss for Gotham, he can represent his city on the international market. Gotham is ripe to become a crime Mecca. Their meeting, however, is interrupted by the building fire alarm. Activated by the newly-minted Robin, the alarm leads to a building evacuation, clearing out all the non-combatant tenants and, coincidentally, summoning the police and fire department. The criminals don't have much time to think about it, though, because soon after Batman storms in and starts ninja-ing all of the False Face goons and international thugs. At one point, it looks like he's going to be cornered just by sheer numbers, but Robin arrives and the duo start working smoothly together to dismantle everything.
Of course Sionis has an escape route, but Batman's able to follow him and catches up with him in his panic room (of sorts). Surrounded by displays of masks from many cultures and times, the two play cat-and-mouse until Batman outwits him and finally brings him down.
A few escaping thugs are being apprehended by the Gotham police on scene, but the prize is when Batman himself delivers Black Mask personally and unmasks him. He's seen by everyone from emergency services to building tenants to news reporters before disappearing into the night, and his status as an urban legend is officially over.
Bruce Wayne/Batman
Alex O'Loughlin
Y'know, they still call Batman the world's greatest detective, but it seems like these days he's mostly used as the world's greatest karate expert who happens to have a really good computer. I'd like to see a lot more of Batman's detective side in play here. Sure he's really good in a fight, but he stacks the deck in his favor with some advanced planning, using the setting to his advantage and perhaps a dose of strategic planning. If you've seen Corey Yuen's fight choreography like in the first Transporter movie, you know what I mean.
I had to search a bit for my perfect Bruce Wayne, because I really wanted an actor who could pull off both the physical prowess of the caped crusader as well as the entitled douchebaggery of Bruce Wayne. If you've seen O'Loughlin on 'Hawaii Five-O' then you know he can do both.
For his costume, I think I'm one of the few people who hate seeing him in armor. I certainly don't mind a tough weave that's knife-proof, but Batman should not be bulletproof on any level. Stealth and misdirection are more his defenses, coming out of the shadows where his victim isn't expecting him, shifting his cape to fool the gunman as to where his body is, or just terrifying the bad guy so much he can't shoot straight. If he needs a bullet to bounce off his chest, he's already failed at what he's trying to do.
With that in mind, let's imagine Wayne Enterprises bought out UnderArmor or something and developed a sports weave that didn't limit his maneuverability but still provided muscle and athletic support. Make it a tough weave that's resistant to cutting and you've got my Batsuit.
Dick Grayson/Robin
Jake Austin
Dick is here to provide a lot of contrast to Bruce. Having suffered a similar loss of parents at a young age, Dick is what happens when there's somebody there to support him who understands his loss. Initially wanting only vengeance, Bruce trains him to help him focus past that (and in doing so recognizes the slope his own life path is on.) Ultimately we have to believe that this partnership is of benefit to both parties, helping them adjust to the losses they've suffered.
For most of his career, Jake Austin was a Disney kid, but then he did a little program called Teen Wolf and upped his game a bit. I think a mix of that levity and intensity would play really well with our Boy Wonder.
And yeah, I know that picture is of the Tim Drake Robin rather than the Dick Grayson Robin, but I like how it shows an updated version of the old undies-and-booties version Dick wore and makes it look more practical. That's definitely the direction his costuming will go in for this version.
Roman Sionis/Black Mask
Joaquin Phoenix
The Black Mask's original shtick was that he was an enemy of Bruce Wayne's rather than a foe of Batman's. He'd gained some notoriety recently, though, for being able to assume control of Gotham's criminal element following the 'War Games' storyline, and that's obviously how I'm using him here. Essentially, he's the guy who recognized the power of masks and his False Face Society is able to manipulate the underworld until he comes out on top. He's a schemer and a manipulator who unfortunately hasn't quite yet learned how to handle his plans not going his way and that's when his temper comes into play.
When I want an actor who combines scheming with madness, I don't look any farther than Joaquin Phoenix. His performance as Commodus in 'Gladiator' is pretty close to what I'm thinking of, with just that extra glint of "scheming" in his eyes that he's gained over the past few years.
His modern appearance (and the one most likely recognized by fans) is of black skull mask, but I find that looks too much like a skull and not enough like a mask. His original mask, as seen above, was carved from his father's casket and has just the right menace to it. Who knows, maybe he'll have a variety of black masks he wears...
Bradford Thorne/The Crime Doctor
Neil Patrick Harris
Originally a surgeon who would hire himself out to plan criminal endeavors, the Crime Doctor was later repurposed as a surgeon who ran an underground clinic to treat injured criminals. His shtick of using surgical devices as weapons is campy AND gruesome, and I think it'll come as a bit of a shock when his skill at scalpel throwing (fer instance) is able to ward of Batman and Robin. He plays fast and loose with his hypocratic oath, but the fact that he still invokes it when it's convenient to him helps push him right to the edge of criminal. I love it.
A bit of stunt casting, perhaps, to have Doogie Howser as my criminal surgeon, but I absolutely think Harris can pull off the stereotypical sinister doctor thing without actually coming across as stereotypical. Harris can change gears on a dime, and that shifting personality is just what I want in my "is he crazy or just evil" Crime Doctor. He would also totally rock those Elton John glasses. I'm just sayin'...
Alfred Pennyworth
Hugh Laurie
In the comics, Bruce Wayne's butler is one mask away from being a superhero himself. Different stories have him being a former actor/spy/surgeon/bodyguard. I'd like to dial him back a bit and focus more on his role as surrogate father/confidante. In fact, I'd like to start him out here as still a little unprepared for Bruce's extracurricular activities. The oooold Batman serials had Alfred as an easily-spooked fop, and I certainly don't want to go that far, but I think a little shock and amazement on his part will help emphasize how out there Bruce is.
Hugh Laurie is probably more famous for his role on 'House,' but he actually comes from a long history of comedic acting in England and I'd love to see some of that resurface in an Alfred who struggles to maintain his stiff upper lip in the face of all the trouble his employer is getting into.
Commissioner Jams Gordon
Brian Cranston
Commissioner Gordon has to be struggling. His city is riddled with crime and his police force is rife with corruption. How else can you explain this otherwise law-abiding peace officer's willingness to work with a masked vigilante. He may not want to, but at some point he accepted the need. Perhaps not quite at the "bat-shaped spotlight on the roof" level yet, but that may be only because he's one of the few people who know Batman exists. He's constantly trying to guess who Batman is, of course, and it's become a sort of game the two of them play.
I see Brian Cranston on every fancast comic list out there and I guess it's about time I find a place for him in my Maybe Studios DCU. To say he has some intensity to him is a bit of an understatement and I think that perfectly aligns with the desperation and boldness we need from the police commissioner of a corrupt and crime-riddled city.
The Batmobile
Special mention for an iconic element of Batman's stable: the Batmobile. Recent trends have been to militarize Batman's vehicles, but that's not a direction I like. I see Bruce buying more into the powered-up concept vehicle types. He wants speed and maneuverability as well as the ability to disappear without a trace.
A fantastical muscle car like the Twin Mill (designed by Hot Wheels, of all people) is very much like what I'm looking for. You can even see where an awesome bat-logo could be incorporated into the front. It's probably very loud, but that's likely part of the distraction. Imagine this thing roaring through the night when suddenly Batman switches it to "hush mode" and drops out of sight. It'd just vanish! They did something similar with the Tumbler for about 2 seconds in 'Batman Begins' and it was my favorite moment in that film.
Future Expansion
I've already blurbed a couple cross-over films with Batman and Wonder Woman in my Superman re-do film page. But in between those there's room for a couple more Batman films.
Batman 2
With Gotham's organized crime getting a big look at in this film, I'd like to put Batman up against a crazed serial killer. In this role, I'm reaching back into the depths of Batman's history to bring in the original Clayface, Basil Karlo. Horribly disfigured through self-inflicted attempts to stay young forever, the reclusive actor comes out of seclusion to seek revenge on the people involved in trying to remake his classic horror films. Karlo's ability to mold his face into anyone's appearance leads Batman in circles, and the involvement of the clue-dropping Riddler is as much a hindrance as a help.
Batman 3
District Attorney Harvey Dent is having some success locking away the criminals that the Batman is catching. So successful, that the underworld teams up to take him out. In the process, Two-Face is born, and his legal leaning are turned on their sides. Not only does he release the villains Batman has put away in Arkham, but manages to capture Batman himself and put him on trial.
Like Superman, there's no exact moment where Bruce Wayne becomes Batman. The origin story of the character takes 20-something years. So rather than trying to run the entire span of time and hopefully get Bruce in the bat costume by Act III, I figured I'd start the film with him already Batman and hook the story on another milestone in his crime fighting career: his first meeting with future-sidekick Dick Grayson.
The comics have gone back and forth on the concept, but one idea that could make this work is to have Bruce be acting as Batman for a couple years before the story starts, but only as an urban legend. Then by introducing Robin, we get a chance to visit Batman's origin and see it through the eyes of someone going through the same struggle.
My villain of choice is the Black Mask, a fairly recent addition to the Batman mythos, his efforts to drown Gotham in a crime wave combined with his childhood as a member of the wealthy elite makes him a good foe for Bruce Wayne and a viable contender for someone who'd try to assassinate a circus kid who was at the wrong place at the wrong time.
Until now, Batman has only faced off against normal thugs and hoodlums, but Black Mask takes a little inspiration from the cowled crusader and invokes the power of masks. Invoking the Iroquois tradition of the False Face Society, he uses masks to bind crooks to him and expand his power base until he's ready to assume full control.
So thematically, our main story and B story deal with the blossoming role of masked heroes in our newborn DC Universe and delve a bit into -why- Bruce Wayne does what he does in the form of the "vengeance vs justice" arguments. He starts off a little obsessed, but being able to see himself from the outside in the form of Dick Grayson, he realizes the difference between the two goals.
So let's begin -
Act I
A police raid on an arms deal goes south when a handful of heavily-armed and strangely masked enforcers turn the op into a siege. Fortunately, the mysterious vigilante Batman secretly arrives to take down the criminals with only fleeting glimpses and hazy news footage to say he was ever there.
The police are more interested in denying the Batman's existence, with the sole exception of police commissioner Jim Gordon who is actually secretly working -with- Batman to help solve some crimes his boys can't.
Able to summon Batman to his office by shining a marked lamp onto his window, Gordon and Batman confab on the new gang they fought. Gordon fears the masks show the underworld is taking inspiration from the legends of the batman and are upping their game in response. Batman, however, is more intrigued by how members of these masked enforcers were traditionally members of rival crime families who now seem to be working together, and which included one man whom Batman thought had been killed by police fire not too long ago. He promises to look more into it and departs into the night.
Meanwhile, we get our first introduction to Black Mask when a couple escapees from the police raid bring an injured companion to him and his Crime Doctor. Black Mask claims there's always room for one more.
Act II Pt 1
At stately Wayne Manor, Bruce Wayne has been up all night in the Batcave trying to figure out how the guns from last night's raid got into the city. When Alfred finally tracks him down with breakfast, Wayne is able to bounce ideas off of him until they latch onto the clue contained in the shipping crate rather than on the guns themselves. The packing material isn't straw, but rather hay. Just like what would be used as animal fodder in a zoo or circus. Like, say, Haley's Circus with it's large transportation capacity and constant travel around the country. They decide that Bruce Wayne will attend tonight's show.
At the circus, Bruce plays up the extravagant playboy persona until he's able to break away to do some behind-the-scenes investigating. A chance encounter with a young acrobat named Dick Grayson inspires the inquisitive youth to try to trail Wayne, but Bruce soon spots him (despite his gymnastic-based stealth skills) and corners him. Their interaction is cut short when they overhear some of Black Mask's men talking about the next shipment, and they both hide to listen in on the plan. Bruce recognizes one of them as former hitman and tells Dick to stay while he goes to get help (ie change into Batman). Unfortunately, Grayson is spotted, and a fighting chase ensues while the thugs try to silence Dick while Batman tries to stop them.
The chase leads to the big top where Dick joins his family on the high wire act. The hitmen and Batman stay to the fringes out of sight, but Batman remembers too late that the hitman he recognized is an ace shot and he gets off a bullet severing the trapeze wire and sending Dick's parents to their deaths.
Batman is stunned as he looks at the now-orphaned Dick Grayson (and his parents lying artistically in the same poses he remembers his own parents in after their murder), but he's shaken out of his reverie by the uproar in the audience. Most are horrified by the deaths they witnessed, but a few people spot Batman in the rafters. He flees into the shadows under their accusations.
A few days of police questioning and investigation lead to the circus being shut down and Dick with no place to stay. Bruce offers to take in the boy while they look for any next of kin. The truth is, though, that Bruce feels he could've stopped the gunshot if he hadn't been so concerned about staying out of sight of the crowd, and wonders if his secrecy is worth the Grayson's lives.
Meanwhile, Black Mask makes his next move during a meeting with all the local crime bosses. While they're questioning his value to them now that his smuggling path has been closed, he signals to the body guards the mob bosses brought with them (one of whom is the injured thug we saw being treated by him earlier). They pull on their masks, proclaim themselves part of Black Mask's False Face Society, and kill all their employers, leaving Black Mask boss of the Gotham underworld.
Act II Pt 2
Back at Wayne Manor, Dick is getting settled in when talk turns to the man who killed his parents. Bruce thinks it's a bad idea to talk about it, but Dick insists. He knows Bruce recognized him when he saw him and wants to know who he is. Bruce admits that he knew him as a mob hitman, but thought he'd been retired after taking a bullet last year. That's when he starts making the connection between him and the other thug he'd busted whom he'd thought was dead. Per his usual habit, he starts bouncing some names and ideas off of Alfred as he comes up with a theory. That's when Grayson looks at him and says "you're him aren't you?" He's guessed that Bruce is actually Batman.
Alfred tries to laugh it off, but to his surprise, Bruce just says "yes". He takes the boy to the Batcave and explains that he too is an orphan, his parents taken from him by the gun of some two-bit hood. Dick begs Bruce to let him in on getting the guy who killed his parents, but Bruce turns him down. It's not about revenge, it's about justice. It took him a while to realize that himself and until he realizes the difference, he'll never find peace.
Following his earlier hunch, he pulls up details of the injured hoods he'd mentioned earlier. Each had been grievously wounded in some police action or gang violence, but each seemed to be active again and working for an unknown boss. The commonality seems to be the medical treatment which kept them alive.
Commissioner Gordon takes custody of a prisoner for questioning in one of the police interrogation rooms and sends the accompanying detective out on a wild goose chase for missing paperwork, freeing the room up for Batman. The thug ain't talking, but that's okay because Batman doesn't need him to talk. He just tears open his shirt revealing some recently treated wounds. Batman explains to Gordon that the suturing on an injury is individual to each surgeon, and by that by measuring the spacing and method of tying off, you can identify the surgeon who did it.
From the Batmobile, Batman tells Alfred (and Dick) that he's found a match to the treatment from a disgraced doctor, Bradford Thorne, who lost his license for practices done in the employ of a crime family. He's since gone underground, but Batman has an idea of who can tell him where he is.
Jump to some thugs on the run from Batman's assaults, one of whom has been particularly injured. The desperate gang give Batman the slip (they think) and decide to take their hurt buddy to the Crime Doctor. It's not until they're inside his secret clinic that the injured thug reveals himself as a disguised Batman. He takes out all the thugs and bodyguards and confronts the doctor himself.
Thorne, however, is in the middle of treating another patient and pleads for his safety. Distracted by the conflict, Batman gets blindsided by the doctor who jabs him with a hypodermic needle and knocks him out.
He wakes up strapped to the operating table (with its former occupant lying dead in the corner from his injuries the Doctor never finished treating). Thorne explains that his Hypocratic Oath prevents him from killing anyone, but the right incisions to the right muscle groups would leave Batman a cripple. It's also a bad idea to anesthetize him again so soon after the previous injection, so he might have to endure some pain.
Fortunately for Batman, the doctor is interrupted by the arrival of Dick Grayson. Wearing a mix of his circus costume and spare bat-gear, he keeps the doctor occupied while Batman frees himself. Together, they're able to subdue him and the beaten doctor spills his guts, revealing the existence of the False Face Society, how its made up of crooks who owe their lives to Thorne and his benefactor, and how they're actually all now working for Roman Sionis, the Black Mask.
Back at the Batcave, Bruce is a furious at Alfred for sending Dick to rescue him. The plan had always been for Alfred to data-dump everything to Gordon if he went missing, and it wasn't fair to put this kid in danger to save him. Alfred talks him down, though, telling him there's no way he would let Bruce die on his watch, and if it wasn't Dick coming to the rescue it would have been Alfred and now they'd both be dead.
This mollifies Bruce a bit and they start making plans for where to find Sionis and how to take him down. They identify a penthouse that he owns through some shell groups and surveillance reveals a lot of activity there tonight. Bruce recognizes some big names in foreign cartels there and realizes the Black Mask is trying to expand even farther.
During preparations, Dick convinces Bruce to let him come along. He held up well under fire from the Crime Doctor and, more importantly, accepts the difference between revenge and justice. Batman agrees, and he and Alfred start kitting him out properly.
At Black Mask's penthouse, he's meeting with representatives from a number of representatives from crime cartels from other cities and countries. Now that he's the sole boss for Gotham, he can represent his city on the international market. Gotham is ripe to become a crime Mecca. Their meeting, however, is interrupted by the building fire alarm. Activated by the newly-minted Robin, the alarm leads to a building evacuation, clearing out all the non-combatant tenants and, coincidentally, summoning the police and fire department. The criminals don't have much time to think about it, though, because soon after Batman storms in and starts ninja-ing all of the False Face goons and international thugs. At one point, it looks like he's going to be cornered just by sheer numbers, but Robin arrives and the duo start working smoothly together to dismantle everything.
Of course Sionis has an escape route, but Batman's able to follow him and catches up with him in his panic room (of sorts). Surrounded by displays of masks from many cultures and times, the two play cat-and-mouse until Batman outwits him and finally brings him down.
A few escaping thugs are being apprehended by the Gotham police on scene, but the prize is when Batman himself delivers Black Mask personally and unmasks him. He's seen by everyone from emergency services to building tenants to news reporters before disappearing into the night, and his status as an urban legend is officially over.
Bruce Wayne/Batman
Alex O'Loughlin

I had to search a bit for my perfect Bruce Wayne, because I really wanted an actor who could pull off both the physical prowess of the caped crusader as well as the entitled douchebaggery of Bruce Wayne. If you've seen O'Loughlin on 'Hawaii Five-O' then you know he can do both.
For his costume, I think I'm one of the few people who hate seeing him in armor. I certainly don't mind a tough weave that's knife-proof, but Batman should not be bulletproof on any level. Stealth and misdirection are more his defenses, coming out of the shadows where his victim isn't expecting him, shifting his cape to fool the gunman as to where his body is, or just terrifying the bad guy so much he can't shoot straight. If he needs a bullet to bounce off his chest, he's already failed at what he's trying to do.
With that in mind, let's imagine Wayne Enterprises bought out UnderArmor or something and developed a sports weave that didn't limit his maneuverability but still provided muscle and athletic support. Make it a tough weave that's resistant to cutting and you've got my Batsuit.
Dick Grayson/Robin
Jake Austin

For most of his career, Jake Austin was a Disney kid, but then he did a little program called Teen Wolf and upped his game a bit. I think a mix of that levity and intensity would play really well with our Boy Wonder.
And yeah, I know that picture is of the Tim Drake Robin rather than the Dick Grayson Robin, but I like how it shows an updated version of the old undies-and-booties version Dick wore and makes it look more practical. That's definitely the direction his costuming will go in for this version.
Roman Sionis/Black Mask
Joaquin Phoenix

When I want an actor who combines scheming with madness, I don't look any farther than Joaquin Phoenix. His performance as Commodus in 'Gladiator' is pretty close to what I'm thinking of, with just that extra glint of "scheming" in his eyes that he's gained over the past few years.
His modern appearance (and the one most likely recognized by fans) is of black skull mask, but I find that looks too much like a skull and not enough like a mask. His original mask, as seen above, was carved from his father's casket and has just the right menace to it. Who knows, maybe he'll have a variety of black masks he wears...
Bradford Thorne/The Crime Doctor
Neil Patrick Harris

A bit of stunt casting, perhaps, to have Doogie Howser as my criminal surgeon, but I absolutely think Harris can pull off the stereotypical sinister doctor thing without actually coming across as stereotypical. Harris can change gears on a dime, and that shifting personality is just what I want in my "is he crazy or just evil" Crime Doctor. He would also totally rock those Elton John glasses. I'm just sayin'...
Alfred Pennyworth
Hugh Laurie
In the comics, Bruce Wayne's butler is one mask away from being a superhero himself. Different stories have him being a former actor/spy/surgeon/bodyguard. I'd like to dial him back a bit and focus more on his role as surrogate father/confidante. In fact, I'd like to start him out here as still a little unprepared for Bruce's extracurricular activities. The oooold Batman serials had Alfred as an easily-spooked fop, and I certainly don't want to go that far, but I think a little shock and amazement on his part will help emphasize how out there Bruce is.
Hugh Laurie is probably more famous for his role on 'House,' but he actually comes from a long history of comedic acting in England and I'd love to see some of that resurface in an Alfred who struggles to maintain his stiff upper lip in the face of all the trouble his employer is getting into.
Commissioner Jams Gordon
Brian Cranston

Commissioner Gordon has to be struggling. His city is riddled with crime and his police force is rife with corruption. How else can you explain this otherwise law-abiding peace officer's willingness to work with a masked vigilante. He may not want to, but at some point he accepted the need. Perhaps not quite at the "bat-shaped spotlight on the roof" level yet, but that may be only because he's one of the few people who know Batman exists. He's constantly trying to guess who Batman is, of course, and it's become a sort of game the two of them play.
I see Brian Cranston on every fancast comic list out there and I guess it's about time I find a place for him in my Maybe Studios DCU. To say he has some intensity to him is a bit of an understatement and I think that perfectly aligns with the desperation and boldness we need from the police commissioner of a corrupt and crime-riddled city.
The Batmobile
Special mention for an iconic element of Batman's stable: the Batmobile. Recent trends have been to militarize Batman's vehicles, but that's not a direction I like. I see Bruce buying more into the powered-up concept vehicle types. He wants speed and maneuverability as well as the ability to disappear without a trace.
A fantastical muscle car like the Twin Mill (designed by Hot Wheels, of all people) is very much like what I'm looking for. You can even see where an awesome bat-logo could be incorporated into the front. It's probably very loud, but that's likely part of the distraction. Imagine this thing roaring through the night when suddenly Batman switches it to "hush mode" and drops out of sight. It'd just vanish! They did something similar with the Tumbler for about 2 seconds in 'Batman Begins' and it was my favorite moment in that film.
Future Expansion
I've already blurbed a couple cross-over films with Batman and Wonder Woman in my Superman re-do film page. But in between those there's room for a couple more Batman films.
Batman 2
With Gotham's organized crime getting a big look at in this film, I'd like to put Batman up against a crazed serial killer. In this role, I'm reaching back into the depths of Batman's history to bring in the original Clayface, Basil Karlo. Horribly disfigured through self-inflicted attempts to stay young forever, the reclusive actor comes out of seclusion to seek revenge on the people involved in trying to remake his classic horror films. Karlo's ability to mold his face into anyone's appearance leads Batman in circles, and the involvement of the clue-dropping Riddler is as much a hindrance as a help.
Batman 3
District Attorney Harvey Dent is having some success locking away the criminals that the Batman is catching. So successful, that the underworld teams up to take him out. In the process, Two-Face is born, and his legal leaning are turned on their sides. Not only does he release the villains Batman has put away in Arkham, but manages to capture Batman himself and put him on trial.
Friday, March 18, 2016
Send in the Clones
My last dip into fantasy Hollywood was to armchair screenwrite 'The Phantom Menace' with an imaginary George Lucas and produce a prequel story that both stuck with Lucas' vision/ideas for his universe while molding it a little bit into a more cohesive story that I (at least) wanted it to be.
Doing that, though, assumed that I'd be following it up with a Maybe Studios re-do of 'Attack of the Clones,' which I've found a little more challenging because, to be honest, I didn't hate that movie. Now, I didn't hate 'Menace' either, but my recent re-watching of the prequels showed that 'Clones' was pretty good if you cut out all the scenes with C3PO and ended all of Padme and Anakin's scenes together about 90 seconds early.
So mostly this version will be to integrate some of the minor changes I did in 'Menace' and set the stage for some much bigger changes in 'Revenge of the Sith.'
Again, it isn't my intent to actually re-write the movie. Many other fans have done that and a lot have done it better than I probably could. Holding true to my original intent, this re-do will take the elements Lucas created for the story, and just kind of trim and refocus them to align more with my tastes. In other words, we at the Maybe Machine are pretending that we're working with George Lucas rather than replacing him.
Setting the Stage: The Galactic Senate
I don't know how the Galactic Republic has been running for a thousand years because the Senate I see in action is indecisive and powerless. It feels a lot like a space-United Nations, with individual member nations/planets pushing for their own interests and only cooperating with others when it benefits them. Obviously there are power blocks within the Senate, such as however many systems have united to form the Trade Federation, and they would wield more clout than any other single system. That's how they were able to stalemate the Senate during their embargo of Naboo.
The Senate itself (and the position of chancellor) doesn't have any real authority beyond that which the planets grant them. Obviously Palpatine is trying to change this, but as we enter Episode II, the Republic is fracturing as the Separatists chip away at the Senate, enticing away systems and groups who don't feel the benefit of staying. It's a parallel to the American Civil War (or any civil war, I guess), where the nation couldn't survive if the member states were allowed to pack up and leave whenever they disagreed. Frankly, I have a hard time understanding why Amidala was opposed to the idea of a Republic Army, but there you go...
The Plan:
Again, I think it's important to spell out Palpatine's original plan here to fully appreciate the string pulling as well as identify when the heroes have disrupted a part of it that he needs to adapt to.
When last we left him, he'd just been elected chancellor of the Galactic Senate. Although our experience with that body shows that it's actually pretty powerless, Phase Two of his plan involves the Senate granting an increasing amount of power to the position. He does this by manipulating Count Dooku into forming a secessionist movement and then pushing him to greater acts of violence against the Republic. Of course the senators will agree that they need an army to defend themselves rather than leaving it up to each planet alone. Once he's been granted control of a galaxy-spanning army, he'll be ready to tighten his grip on the Republic systems.
To sway the Sentate to his way of thinking, though, he'll need to strike closer to the heart of the Republic where those indecisive Senators have gathered.
That's our stage as we roll the opening crawl.
Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones
Act I
Three years have passed since the end of 'Phantom Menace,' and Obi-Wan and Anakin have been trucking around the galaxy doing good deeds. Despite their best efforts, though, they've been unable to stem the tide of Dooku's secessionist movement. They've been recalled to Coruscant to brief the Senate on what they know of Dooku's actions.
So far, the Secessionists are just a political movement backed by a terrorist group. Amidala believes that fielding an army against them will only unify the rebel systems and escalate things. In the Senate, she and Organa oppose the formation of a Grand Army and promote the Jedi as the peacekeeping solution against Dooku's terrorist forces.
Her efforts take a sudden blow when an explosion rips through the Senate building and a hologram of Dooku takes credit for it. Anakin, of course, is mostly concerned with Padme and races to find her in the wreckage. Fortunately, she was kept safe by her now-fiance Bail Organa, and Anakin doesn't know whether to be happy or jealous.
For those who knew Dooku as a Jedi, this terrorist attack doesn't seem like him, but Anakin and Obi-Wan saw first hand what his forces were doing in the Outer Rim and wouldn't put it past him.
Act II pt 1
In the wake of the Senate bombing, Palpatine takes on some additional executive authority to preserve the security of the Republic. The senate approval of the Grand Army looks imminent, and only catching those behind the bombing can halt the coming war. Of course Anakin makes vast, empty promises to her, which only adds to the pressure he's under to produce.
Obi-Wan and Anakin investigate the source of the bombing through some good old fashioned sleuthing and they report their findings to the Jedi Council. Of equal importance is Anakin's growing frustration with his lack of control over the great powers at his command. He hides it well, but it's there under the surface for the darkly observant Palpatine to notice.
Ultimately, they track the explosion to a Mandalorian clan which had proclaimed for the Separatists. The two Jedi infiltrate their hideout, and a battle between them and a handful of Mandalorians ends with the Mandos taking their own lives rather than being captured.
Meanwhile, Padme is attempting to block the formation of an army by blocking its funding, but in the process uncovers evidence that Palpatine has already begun illegally outfitting an army and traces it to a planet called Kamino.
Act II pt 2
Padme wants to go on a fact-finding mission to Kamino and asks Bail to go with her. He needs to stay and continue their work at the Senate and actually suggests Anakin be the one to go with her. For Obi-Wan's part, he saw a bit of the rage that Anakin was displaying during the fight with the Mandos and suggests it might be good for him to get away for a bit. He assures him that the Mandalorian situation is resolved and he can spare some time off.
He's lying, though, because as soon as Ani is gone, he begins following up on the head of the Mando clan. He knows how they work and knows those on Coruscant wouldn't be acting without orders from their clan head. A Mandalorian named Jango Fett was calling the shots. He ultimately tracks Fett to a planet called Geonosis.
While all this is going on, Anakin and Padme are on their way to Kamino. It's obvious there's some romantic tension between them, but there still remains a class barrier. Anakin has the Jedi Order guiding his life, and Padme is ruled more by politics than by heart. Such talk is spread out over their discovery of, and introduction to, the massive army of clones that is being prepped for Republic service and has been in the works for a few years.
On Geonosis, Obi-Wan infiltrates the compound and discovers the headquarters of the Separatists, but is captured half-way through giving his report.
On Kamino, Padme is reporting her discoveries to Organa who agrees to reveal it at the next Senate assembly. Their conversation is interrupted, though, by the receipt of Obi-Wan's report. They witness his capture by Fett and the battle droids. Organa also witnesses the transmission and says he'll inform the Council. Anakin heads out immediately to rescue Obi-Wan, and Padme won't be left behind.
Dooku has a talk with Obi-Wan, explaining his suspicions about a Dark Side presence in the government, but Obi-Wan doesn't believe him. It's worth mentioning that, in this version, Dooku is not a Sith. Rather, he's a former Jedi who left the order when he sensed it falling under the control of the Dark Side. Everything he says to Obi-Wan is his true belief, and it's a real shame he doesn't believe him.
The finale plays out almost exactly like it did in the original film. Anakin, Padme and R2 maneuver through the droid factory until they too are captured, and all three are dumped into the arena. Thinking they're going to die, Padme admits her love to Anakin before they and Obi-Wan are trussed up in the arena to face off against the three space monsters.
They're a hair's breadth away from being executed by the Geonosians when the rest of the Jedi Council shows up. What started as a rescue, though, turns into a war as the Geonosian droid factory opens up and spills out squads of battle droids and tanks. The Jedi are saved by the timely arrival of Bail Organa and the Clone Army, and the battle of Geonosis begins.
Padme declares that they can end the war before it starts if they can get Dooku, and she leads Obi-Wan and Anakin after him.
He leads them into a trap, though, and Padme is seriously injured. Anakin loses his shit and goes after Dooku hard. His power can't match Dooku's skill, though, and he manages to defeat him by lopping off one of his arms. As more back-up arrives, Dooku flees.
Anakin's last sight before blacking out is seeing Padme being cared for by Bail Organa.
So again, it's recognizable as the original 'Attack of the Clones', but with some adjustments to play up Palpatine's manipulations (Dooku is not a Sith but rather an unknowing tool) and stay true to the original trilogy characters (Yoda is not a great warrior).
The love story between Anakin and Padme gets a little help by being introduced more in Phantom Menace and allowed to grow over the course of this film.
Doing that, though, assumed that I'd be following it up with a Maybe Studios re-do of 'Attack of the Clones,' which I've found a little more challenging because, to be honest, I didn't hate that movie. Now, I didn't hate 'Menace' either, but my recent re-watching of the prequels showed that 'Clones' was pretty good if you cut out all the scenes with C3PO and ended all of Padme and Anakin's scenes together about 90 seconds early.
So mostly this version will be to integrate some of the minor changes I did in 'Menace' and set the stage for some much bigger changes in 'Revenge of the Sith.'
Again, it isn't my intent to actually re-write the movie. Many other fans have done that and a lot have done it better than I probably could. Holding true to my original intent, this re-do will take the elements Lucas created for the story, and just kind of trim and refocus them to align more with my tastes. In other words, we at the Maybe Machine are pretending that we're working with George Lucas rather than replacing him.
Setting the Stage: The Galactic Senate
I don't know how the Galactic Republic has been running for a thousand years because the Senate I see in action is indecisive and powerless. It feels a lot like a space-United Nations, with individual member nations/planets pushing for their own interests and only cooperating with others when it benefits them. Obviously there are power blocks within the Senate, such as however many systems have united to form the Trade Federation, and they would wield more clout than any other single system. That's how they were able to stalemate the Senate during their embargo of Naboo.
The Senate itself (and the position of chancellor) doesn't have any real authority beyond that which the planets grant them. Obviously Palpatine is trying to change this, but as we enter Episode II, the Republic is fracturing as the Separatists chip away at the Senate, enticing away systems and groups who don't feel the benefit of staying. It's a parallel to the American Civil War (or any civil war, I guess), where the nation couldn't survive if the member states were allowed to pack up and leave whenever they disagreed. Frankly, I have a hard time understanding why Amidala was opposed to the idea of a Republic Army, but there you go...
The Plan:
Again, I think it's important to spell out Palpatine's original plan here to fully appreciate the string pulling as well as identify when the heroes have disrupted a part of it that he needs to adapt to.
When last we left him, he'd just been elected chancellor of the Galactic Senate. Although our experience with that body shows that it's actually pretty powerless, Phase Two of his plan involves the Senate granting an increasing amount of power to the position. He does this by manipulating Count Dooku into forming a secessionist movement and then pushing him to greater acts of violence against the Republic. Of course the senators will agree that they need an army to defend themselves rather than leaving it up to each planet alone. Once he's been granted control of a galaxy-spanning army, he'll be ready to tighten his grip on the Republic systems.
To sway the Sentate to his way of thinking, though, he'll need to strike closer to the heart of the Republic where those indecisive Senators have gathered.
That's our stage as we roll the opening crawl.
Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones
Act I
Three years have passed since the end of 'Phantom Menace,' and Obi-Wan and Anakin have been trucking around the galaxy doing good deeds. Despite their best efforts, though, they've been unable to stem the tide of Dooku's secessionist movement. They've been recalled to Coruscant to brief the Senate on what they know of Dooku's actions.
So far, the Secessionists are just a political movement backed by a terrorist group. Amidala believes that fielding an army against them will only unify the rebel systems and escalate things. In the Senate, she and Organa oppose the formation of a Grand Army and promote the Jedi as the peacekeeping solution against Dooku's terrorist forces.
Her efforts take a sudden blow when an explosion rips through the Senate building and a hologram of Dooku takes credit for it. Anakin, of course, is mostly concerned with Padme and races to find her in the wreckage. Fortunately, she was kept safe by her now-fiance Bail Organa, and Anakin doesn't know whether to be happy or jealous.
For those who knew Dooku as a Jedi, this terrorist attack doesn't seem like him, but Anakin and Obi-Wan saw first hand what his forces were doing in the Outer Rim and wouldn't put it past him.
Act II pt 1
In the wake of the Senate bombing, Palpatine takes on some additional executive authority to preserve the security of the Republic. The senate approval of the Grand Army looks imminent, and only catching those behind the bombing can halt the coming war. Of course Anakin makes vast, empty promises to her, which only adds to the pressure he's under to produce.
Obi-Wan and Anakin investigate the source of the bombing through some good old fashioned sleuthing and they report their findings to the Jedi Council. Of equal importance is Anakin's growing frustration with his lack of control over the great powers at his command. He hides it well, but it's there under the surface for the darkly observant Palpatine to notice.
Ultimately, they track the explosion to a Mandalorian clan which had proclaimed for the Separatists. The two Jedi infiltrate their hideout, and a battle between them and a handful of Mandalorians ends with the Mandos taking their own lives rather than being captured.
Meanwhile, Padme is attempting to block the formation of an army by blocking its funding, but in the process uncovers evidence that Palpatine has already begun illegally outfitting an army and traces it to a planet called Kamino.
Act II pt 2
Padme wants to go on a fact-finding mission to Kamino and asks Bail to go with her. He needs to stay and continue their work at the Senate and actually suggests Anakin be the one to go with her. For Obi-Wan's part, he saw a bit of the rage that Anakin was displaying during the fight with the Mandos and suggests it might be good for him to get away for a bit. He assures him that the Mandalorian situation is resolved and he can spare some time off.
He's lying, though, because as soon as Ani is gone, he begins following up on the head of the Mando clan. He knows how they work and knows those on Coruscant wouldn't be acting without orders from their clan head. A Mandalorian named Jango Fett was calling the shots. He ultimately tracks Fett to a planet called Geonosis.
While all this is going on, Anakin and Padme are on their way to Kamino. It's obvious there's some romantic tension between them, but there still remains a class barrier. Anakin has the Jedi Order guiding his life, and Padme is ruled more by politics than by heart. Such talk is spread out over their discovery of, and introduction to, the massive army of clones that is being prepped for Republic service and has been in the works for a few years.
On Geonosis, Obi-Wan infiltrates the compound and discovers the headquarters of the Separatists, but is captured half-way through giving his report.
On Kamino, Padme is reporting her discoveries to Organa who agrees to reveal it at the next Senate assembly. Their conversation is interrupted, though, by the receipt of Obi-Wan's report. They witness his capture by Fett and the battle droids. Organa also witnesses the transmission and says he'll inform the Council. Anakin heads out immediately to rescue Obi-Wan, and Padme won't be left behind.
Dooku has a talk with Obi-Wan, explaining his suspicions about a Dark Side presence in the government, but Obi-Wan doesn't believe him. It's worth mentioning that, in this version, Dooku is not a Sith. Rather, he's a former Jedi who left the order when he sensed it falling under the control of the Dark Side. Everything he says to Obi-Wan is his true belief, and it's a real shame he doesn't believe him.
The finale plays out almost exactly like it did in the original film. Anakin, Padme and R2 maneuver through the droid factory until they too are captured, and all three are dumped into the arena. Thinking they're going to die, Padme admits her love to Anakin before they and Obi-Wan are trussed up in the arena to face off against the three space monsters.
They're a hair's breadth away from being executed by the Geonosians when the rest of the Jedi Council shows up. What started as a rescue, though, turns into a war as the Geonosian droid factory opens up and spills out squads of battle droids and tanks. The Jedi are saved by the timely arrival of Bail Organa and the Clone Army, and the battle of Geonosis begins.
Padme declares that they can end the war before it starts if they can get Dooku, and she leads Obi-Wan and Anakin after him.
He leads them into a trap, though, and Padme is seriously injured. Anakin loses his shit and goes after Dooku hard. His power can't match Dooku's skill, though, and he manages to defeat him by lopping off one of his arms. As more back-up arrives, Dooku flees.
Anakin's last sight before blacking out is seeing Padme being cared for by Bail Organa.
So again, it's recognizable as the original 'Attack of the Clones', but with some adjustments to play up Palpatine's manipulations (Dooku is not a Sith but rather an unknowing tool) and stay true to the original trilogy characters (Yoda is not a great warrior).
The love story between Anakin and Padme gets a little help by being introduced more in Phantom Menace and allowed to grow over the course of this film.
Sunday, March 6, 2016
A little less Phantom, a little more Menace
I'm sure it's no coincidence that, on the heels of the release of Star Wars VII, my local single-screen theater decided to have an all-day marathon of the first six Star Wars movies. It'd been a long time since I'd seen the original trilogy on the big screen so of course I jumped at the chance.
You'll be happy to know that those older films still hold up today as some solid examples of film making (and shows that even the hokiest story can be salvaged by some great character work). To be honest, seeing the orig trig again just made me really sad about how the prequel trilogy turned out. The saga of Luke Skywalker proves that George Lucas really knew how to make a movie, and I can't help but wonder what happened in between the trilogies to give us the much-poorer-by-example saga of Anakin Skywalker.
I've read (and watched) more than one fan pitch on what they would do if -they- were making the prequels. And since that's the whole premise behind the Maybe Machine, I figured I too could give my ideas for a better prequel trilogy. However, while many of those other synopses were based on total rewrites and clean slates, I don't have the hubris to think that I know better than Lucas how to use his characters and universe.
Rather, I'd like to imagine this as a more collaborative effort. A process where George and I teamed up for a week at Skywalker Ranch to take his ideas and turn them into a more cohesive and fan-pleasing product. Effectively, I'll try to keep as many of his characters, locations and events in place, but might be shifting those elements around a bit.
Our first stop, of course, is 'The Phantom Menace,' but first let's set the stage for the opening chapter of our re-prequel series:
Setting the Stage: The Jedi Order
By the time of Star Wars IV: A New Hope, the Jedi Order was already faded from the galaxy, often derided as a hokey and ancient religion. Our Phantom Menace takes place just 25 years before that, and we're already seeing the Jedi Order in decline. Their numbers are diminished with fewer and fewer force sensitive youths found to join their ranks. Their glory days as galactic peacekeepers are well behind them, being relegated now to an almost ceremonial presence.
Where once they could claim to have been on the front lines in the war against the Sith Empire or leading the way in galactic expansion in the outer rim, now they serve as political escorts or mediators in trade disputes. The Jedi Temple on Coruscant is an old, dusty edifice far too large for the less-than-100 Jedi currently occupying it. Their clothing is more like ancient robes and frontier-wear than the modern clothing and uniforms worn by the citizens of the Republic.
In all ways they're fading in the eyes of the average Republic citizen, which is why it's so important when a young slave is discovered to be so strong in the force...
The Plan:
Before we get too deep into the weeds, I think we need to understand what Palpatine's plan is. As much as I liked the idea of seeing the master string-puller work things to catapult himself into the seat of ultimate power, his actual plan was never very clear. I'll at least want it spelled out here so we have some context of what drives Episode I.
Phase One of his plan is to be elected to the leadership position of the Galactic Senate. Even as that political body seems ineffective and powerless, it's a place to start building power and getting there is all that concerns us in Phantom Menace.
Through his alternate identity as Darth Sidious, Palpatine engineers a political upheaval on his home planet of Naboo. When the current chancellor of the Senate sends a couple Jedi to mediate the dispute, all Palpatine has to do is make sure they fail and he'll have grounds to declare the chancellor a failure and move for a new election (and, as the wounded party, would have the best chance of getting elected). As a Sith, his assumed way of ensuring this failure is to kill the Jedi on Naboo. Of course they escape, but at least we know Palpatine's plan as the movie starts.
And that's where our saga starts. Cue John Williams music!
Act I
Jedi Knight Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi arrive on Naboo to mediate a dispute between the planet and the Trade Federation which has placed an embargo around the planet. Obi-Wan is frustrated with this menial task and longs for the days when Jedi were respected peacekeepers rather than glorified honor guards. Qui-Gon sends him to check the building exterior where he meets a 14-year-old slave named Anakin. This acerbic, acid-tongued teen gives Obi-Wan some insights into the dichotomy of Naboo society, only lightening his tone when he catches sight of the beautiful young Princess Padme as she makes her way to observe the meeting.
Because Obi-Wan is wandering the grounds, he's in the perfect spot to notice the additional landing ships which have come to Naboo and recognizes the occupation for what it is. He and Anakin race back to the council chambers to warn them, but they arrive too late to save the royal family from the assassin droids. Instead, the two Jedi, with the aid of Anakin, are only able to spirit away now-Queen Amidala.
Trade Federation leaders occupy the city, but their cloaked master reports his displeasure. The new queen and her Jedi escorts must NOT reach the capital. Despite the manhunt, they manage to make it to a hangar and break through the embargo.
Act II pt 1
Qui-Qon watches Anakin closely during their flight, pointing out to Obi-Wan some strange intuitions and "lucky" moments that aided their escape. Obi-Wan thinks he's suspicious of him, but Qui-Gon doesn't voice his real concerns yet. Meanwhile, Anakin gets some face time with Padme and starts trying to break down those social barriers between the new queen and the former slave. They're of the same age, and Padme becomes a little smitten with the rough young man she owes her life to.
Unfortunately, their ship was damaged during its escape from Naboo (and I don't mind introducing R2-D2 as a ship's maintenance droid here) and they need to lay low while they gets some parts. Fortunately, Obi-Wan knows somebody on the nearby Hutt-controlled world of Tatooine, and he leads them there.
On the desert planet, the fugitives hook up with Obi-Wan's friend, Owen Lars, and eventually learn that their best bet for escape from the planet is to participate in a dangerous but potentially rewarding pod race. Obi-Wan offers to pilot, but when Anakin volunteers, Qui-Gon backs him. It all goes as originally written, Anakin wins the race, they claim their winnings, and they buy the parts they need.
As in the original version, this is when Darth Maul makes his first appearance. The battle is brief but one-sided. Qui-Gon only barely manages to hold off the dark warrior while Obi-Wan gets the rest to safety before making his escape himself.
Act II pt 2
On Coruscant, Maul's master, Darth Sidious, voices again his displeasure of their escape. However, he's prepared to intercept them at the capital. Perhaps he can still work this to his advantage. He cuts communications and pulls back his hood to reveal his true face. He's showing some of the dark side deformities we'd come to expect since 'Empire Strikes Back', but with great concentration, he represses those features until he's finally Ian McDiarmid again.
When Amidala arrives on Coruscant, she goes to meet with Naboo's Senator Palpatine where it's revealed he's secretly the Sith master we'd just seen transformed. She calls on him to get her a meeting with the senate where she can notify them of the unjust invasion of her homeworld. Meanwhile, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan take Anakin to the Jedi Council. They have news of an enemy warrior they believe to be trained in the ways of the Sith, but have good news in the discovery of Anakin. It's been a while since they've discovered anybody strong enough in the force to become a Jedi, and it's Qui-Gon's opinion that he's stronger in the force than anybody they know. This is news to Obi-Wan (who's not as perceptive as Qui-Gon, I suppose). Qui-Gon declares that Obi-Wan is ready for the trials of knighthood and that he wants to take Anakin as his new apprentice.
At the Senate, Amidala puts forth her case, but just as in the original film, the Trade Federation refutes her claim and the bureaucrats start weighing in. The only ally she has, it seems, is Bail Organa, the representative from Alderaan. His planet regrettably has no military force to offer her (they're a peaceful planet with no weapons), but promises to fight for her cause in the Senate. It doesn't hurt that this Bail Organa he's a handsome and charming man.
When reunited with her Jedi companions, she voices her frustration. Qui-Gon says they need to allow time for the Senate to work, but Obi-Wan remembers a time when Jedi were committed to protecting peace on all planets of the Republic. Anakin agrees, and has a plan for Naboo to earn its own freedom. Palpatine is skeptical and agrees with Qui-Gon to let the Senate do it's thing, but Amidala is determined.
This, by the way, is also his first meeting with Anakin, and he quickly (but subtly) perceives his power as well as his obvious affection for Amidala and slight jealousy toward Organa.
Organa doesn't have a fleet of ships, but he -does- have a fast corvette that might work to run the blockade around Naboo. With his help, the heroes smuggle themselves back to Naboo and into the capital. There, Anakin arranges a meeting between the queen and the heads of the underclass and slaves. They agree to rise up and overthrow the occupiers, but only if all class barriers are broken. Amidala agrees, and a rebellion (of sorts) is born of the planet's underclass and the queen's surviving security volunteers. If they can capture the viceroy, they can force him to deactivate the battle droids, ending the conflict and the occupation. The rebellion lays siege to the palace and engages the droid forces while Amidala and the Jedi sneak in to capture the viceroy. They all know the Naboo-ians can't hold out for long, but they only need to hold out long enough for the heroes to get the viceroy and shut down the opposition.
Unfortunately, there's a slight delay as the heroes arrive at the throne room to find it protected by Darth Maul. Anakin wants to help his master fight, but the two Jedi remind him the viceroy is the true target. They'll hold off the Sith while Anakin and the queen go after the leader.
The initial stages of the saber battle are scattered, but when Obi-Wan sets aside his rambunctiousness and they start working as a team, they're able to corner Darth Maul. It culminates in a flurry of lightsaber strokes that sees Obi-Wan taking advantage of an opening Qui-Gon created to finish off Maul. It's only when the Sith falls that Obi-Wan realizes that opening came at the cost of Qui-Gon's life.
Meanwhile, Padme and Anakin have been fighting their way through the Viceroy's guards and/or using shortcuts known to the queen to reach the palace hangar. Unfortunately, they get pinned down and can only watch as the viceroy's shuttle lifts off. That is until Anakin senses Qui-Gon's death. That combines with a sudden awareness of all the Naboo-ians dying around them pushes him across a line that Qui-Gon had warned him about. He taps into his rising anger and is able to use the force to actually grab hold of the fleeing shuttle and ground it.
With the viceroy in their grasp, the battle droids get powered down. The war for Naboo is over.
In the end, the now-free and united planet celebrates, and Palpatine arrives to congratulate them on their victory in achieving what an impotent Senate couldn't do. Their actions have lead the Senate to select a new chancellor, and sympathy for Naboo has made him the top contender.
End credits.
So basically it's the Phantom Menace we saw in theaters, but with an older Anakin introduced a lot earlier in the story and 100% fewer Gungans.
You'll be happy to know that those older films still hold up today as some solid examples of film making (and shows that even the hokiest story can be salvaged by some great character work). To be honest, seeing the orig trig again just made me really sad about how the prequel trilogy turned out. The saga of Luke Skywalker proves that George Lucas really knew how to make a movie, and I can't help but wonder what happened in between the trilogies to give us the much-poorer-by-example saga of Anakin Skywalker.
I've read (and watched) more than one fan pitch on what they would do if -they- were making the prequels. And since that's the whole premise behind the Maybe Machine, I figured I too could give my ideas for a better prequel trilogy. However, while many of those other synopses were based on total rewrites and clean slates, I don't have the hubris to think that I know better than Lucas how to use his characters and universe.
Rather, I'd like to imagine this as a more collaborative effort. A process where George and I teamed up for a week at Skywalker Ranch to take his ideas and turn them into a more cohesive and fan-pleasing product. Effectively, I'll try to keep as many of his characters, locations and events in place, but might be shifting those elements around a bit.
Our first stop, of course, is 'The Phantom Menace,' but first let's set the stage for the opening chapter of our re-prequel series:
Setting the Stage: The Jedi Order
By the time of Star Wars IV: A New Hope, the Jedi Order was already faded from the galaxy, often derided as a hokey and ancient religion. Our Phantom Menace takes place just 25 years before that, and we're already seeing the Jedi Order in decline. Their numbers are diminished with fewer and fewer force sensitive youths found to join their ranks. Their glory days as galactic peacekeepers are well behind them, being relegated now to an almost ceremonial presence.
Where once they could claim to have been on the front lines in the war against the Sith Empire or leading the way in galactic expansion in the outer rim, now they serve as political escorts or mediators in trade disputes. The Jedi Temple on Coruscant is an old, dusty edifice far too large for the less-than-100 Jedi currently occupying it. Their clothing is more like ancient robes and frontier-wear than the modern clothing and uniforms worn by the citizens of the Republic.
In all ways they're fading in the eyes of the average Republic citizen, which is why it's so important when a young slave is discovered to be so strong in the force...
The Plan:
Before we get too deep into the weeds, I think we need to understand what Palpatine's plan is. As much as I liked the idea of seeing the master string-puller work things to catapult himself into the seat of ultimate power, his actual plan was never very clear. I'll at least want it spelled out here so we have some context of what drives Episode I.
Phase One of his plan is to be elected to the leadership position of the Galactic Senate. Even as that political body seems ineffective and powerless, it's a place to start building power and getting there is all that concerns us in Phantom Menace.
Through his alternate identity as Darth Sidious, Palpatine engineers a political upheaval on his home planet of Naboo. When the current chancellor of the Senate sends a couple Jedi to mediate the dispute, all Palpatine has to do is make sure they fail and he'll have grounds to declare the chancellor a failure and move for a new election (and, as the wounded party, would have the best chance of getting elected). As a Sith, his assumed way of ensuring this failure is to kill the Jedi on Naboo. Of course they escape, but at least we know Palpatine's plan as the movie starts.
And that's where our saga starts. Cue John Williams music!
Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace
Act I
Jedi Knight Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi arrive on Naboo to mediate a dispute between the planet and the Trade Federation which has placed an embargo around the planet. Obi-Wan is frustrated with this menial task and longs for the days when Jedi were respected peacekeepers rather than glorified honor guards. Qui-Gon sends him to check the building exterior where he meets a 14-year-old slave named Anakin. This acerbic, acid-tongued teen gives Obi-Wan some insights into the dichotomy of Naboo society, only lightening his tone when he catches sight of the beautiful young Princess Padme as she makes her way to observe the meeting.
Because Obi-Wan is wandering the grounds, he's in the perfect spot to notice the additional landing ships which have come to Naboo and recognizes the occupation for what it is. He and Anakin race back to the council chambers to warn them, but they arrive too late to save the royal family from the assassin droids. Instead, the two Jedi, with the aid of Anakin, are only able to spirit away now-Queen Amidala.
Trade Federation leaders occupy the city, but their cloaked master reports his displeasure. The new queen and her Jedi escorts must NOT reach the capital. Despite the manhunt, they manage to make it to a hangar and break through the embargo.
Act II pt 1
Qui-Qon watches Anakin closely during their flight, pointing out to Obi-Wan some strange intuitions and "lucky" moments that aided their escape. Obi-Wan thinks he's suspicious of him, but Qui-Gon doesn't voice his real concerns yet. Meanwhile, Anakin gets some face time with Padme and starts trying to break down those social barriers between the new queen and the former slave. They're of the same age, and Padme becomes a little smitten with the rough young man she owes her life to.
Unfortunately, their ship was damaged during its escape from Naboo (and I don't mind introducing R2-D2 as a ship's maintenance droid here) and they need to lay low while they gets some parts. Fortunately, Obi-Wan knows somebody on the nearby Hutt-controlled world of Tatooine, and he leads them there.
On the desert planet, the fugitives hook up with Obi-Wan's friend, Owen Lars, and eventually learn that their best bet for escape from the planet is to participate in a dangerous but potentially rewarding pod race. Obi-Wan offers to pilot, but when Anakin volunteers, Qui-Gon backs him. It all goes as originally written, Anakin wins the race, they claim their winnings, and they buy the parts they need.
As in the original version, this is when Darth Maul makes his first appearance. The battle is brief but one-sided. Qui-Gon only barely manages to hold off the dark warrior while Obi-Wan gets the rest to safety before making his escape himself.
Act II pt 2
On Coruscant, Maul's master, Darth Sidious, voices again his displeasure of their escape. However, he's prepared to intercept them at the capital. Perhaps he can still work this to his advantage. He cuts communications and pulls back his hood to reveal his true face. He's showing some of the dark side deformities we'd come to expect since 'Empire Strikes Back', but with great concentration, he represses those features until he's finally Ian McDiarmid again.
When Amidala arrives on Coruscant, she goes to meet with Naboo's Senator Palpatine where it's revealed he's secretly the Sith master we'd just seen transformed. She calls on him to get her a meeting with the senate where she can notify them of the unjust invasion of her homeworld. Meanwhile, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan take Anakin to the Jedi Council. They have news of an enemy warrior they believe to be trained in the ways of the Sith, but have good news in the discovery of Anakin. It's been a while since they've discovered anybody strong enough in the force to become a Jedi, and it's Qui-Gon's opinion that he's stronger in the force than anybody they know. This is news to Obi-Wan (who's not as perceptive as Qui-Gon, I suppose). Qui-Gon declares that Obi-Wan is ready for the trials of knighthood and that he wants to take Anakin as his new apprentice.
At the Senate, Amidala puts forth her case, but just as in the original film, the Trade Federation refutes her claim and the bureaucrats start weighing in. The only ally she has, it seems, is Bail Organa, the representative from Alderaan. His planet regrettably has no military force to offer her (they're a peaceful planet with no weapons), but promises to fight for her cause in the Senate. It doesn't hurt that this Bail Organa he's a handsome and charming man.
When reunited with her Jedi companions, she voices her frustration. Qui-Gon says they need to allow time for the Senate to work, but Obi-Wan remembers a time when Jedi were committed to protecting peace on all planets of the Republic. Anakin agrees, and has a plan for Naboo to earn its own freedom. Palpatine is skeptical and agrees with Qui-Gon to let the Senate do it's thing, but Amidala is determined.
This, by the way, is also his first meeting with Anakin, and he quickly (but subtly) perceives his power as well as his obvious affection for Amidala and slight jealousy toward Organa.
Organa doesn't have a fleet of ships, but he -does- have a fast corvette that might work to run the blockade around Naboo. With his help, the heroes smuggle themselves back to Naboo and into the capital. There, Anakin arranges a meeting between the queen and the heads of the underclass and slaves. They agree to rise up and overthrow the occupiers, but only if all class barriers are broken. Amidala agrees, and a rebellion (of sorts) is born of the planet's underclass and the queen's surviving security volunteers. If they can capture the viceroy, they can force him to deactivate the battle droids, ending the conflict and the occupation. The rebellion lays siege to the palace and engages the droid forces while Amidala and the Jedi sneak in to capture the viceroy. They all know the Naboo-ians can't hold out for long, but they only need to hold out long enough for the heroes to get the viceroy and shut down the opposition.
Unfortunately, there's a slight delay as the heroes arrive at the throne room to find it protected by Darth Maul. Anakin wants to help his master fight, but the two Jedi remind him the viceroy is the true target. They'll hold off the Sith while Anakin and the queen go after the leader.
The initial stages of the saber battle are scattered, but when Obi-Wan sets aside his rambunctiousness and they start working as a team, they're able to corner Darth Maul. It culminates in a flurry of lightsaber strokes that sees Obi-Wan taking advantage of an opening Qui-Gon created to finish off Maul. It's only when the Sith falls that Obi-Wan realizes that opening came at the cost of Qui-Gon's life.
Meanwhile, Padme and Anakin have been fighting their way through the Viceroy's guards and/or using shortcuts known to the queen to reach the palace hangar. Unfortunately, they get pinned down and can only watch as the viceroy's shuttle lifts off. That is until Anakin senses Qui-Gon's death. That combines with a sudden awareness of all the Naboo-ians dying around them pushes him across a line that Qui-Gon had warned him about. He taps into his rising anger and is able to use the force to actually grab hold of the fleeing shuttle and ground it.
With the viceroy in their grasp, the battle droids get powered down. The war for Naboo is over.
In the end, the now-free and united planet celebrates, and Palpatine arrives to congratulate them on their victory in achieving what an impotent Senate couldn't do. Their actions have lead the Senate to select a new chancellor, and sympathy for Naboo has made him the top contender.
End credits.
So basically it's the Phantom Menace we saw in theaters, but with an older Anakin introduced a lot earlier in the story and 100% fewer Gungans.
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